Food & Agriculture
Downey Brand’s Food and Agriculture Group helps clients thrive in one of California’s most regulated industries.
Our attorneys have extensive practical experience with the issues of daily importance to farmers, ranchers, input suppliers, packers, processors and grocers allowing our clients to focus on the demands of their operations.
Downey Brand provides a range of services to our Food and Ag clients that is unmatched in the region and covers the spectrum of industry issues from air quality compliance to tax issues and from pesticide regulation to succession planning. However, our advantages aren’t confined to knowing the law—we are active participants, as well as advisors, to the industry trade groups, associations and their members who must deal each and every day with specific concerns of specialized industries. We are also involved with the legislative committees and agencies that determine that regulatory environment in which the Food and Ag industry will operate.
Our comprehensive approach reflects the reality of today’s Food and Ag industry—a thriving, highly-regulated industry with complex business needs. We handle business transactions, interaction with regulatory agencies, counseling to prevent disputes, and dispute resolution in all state and federal forums relating to:
- Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act
- Food Safety Compliance and Labeling
- Food labeling
- Hazardous waste handling
- Environmental compliance
- Supply contracts
- Pesticide regulation and drift
- Crop damage
- Land use and permitting
- Lease of agricultural and commercial property
- Real estate and corporate law
- Regulatory and administrative disputes, including writ proceedings
- License suspension and revocation hearings
- Water supply and water rights
- Wastewater regulation
- Liquor wholesale
- Contract dispute negotiations
- Agricultural cooperatives
- Williamson Act
- Farmland Security Zones
We understand that many of our clients are family businesses both large and small and we work with them to address the particular issues of a family-owned enterprise including estate planning and succession.
Trending: Agricultural Cooperatives
The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act created a tax advantage for farmers selling their crops to agricultural cooperatives. Section 199A of the Act spurred many farmers who also own interests in packing or processing operations to look into creating co-ops in order to make use of this opportunity. In April 2018, section 199A was amended, changing the criteria for eligibility and the available benefits. However, creating a co-op may still produce savings for some farmers and some cooperatives. Our Food & Agriculture attorneys have many years of experience forming and representing agricultural cooperatives and work on the front lines of new legislation affecting our clients’ interests.
Selected Experience
- Resolved problems with small wind turbine program run by the California Energy Commission for systems designed to be used on farms to reduce water pumping and other electrical loads.
- Represent industry associations in drafting, negotiating and passage of key statutes and regulations.
- Represented farmers and processors in contract and other commercial disputes.
Trade Groups
- Bard Valley Date Growers Association
- California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association
- California Association of Wine Grape Growers
- California Association of Pest Control Advisers
- California League of Food Producers
- California Grocers Association
- California Manufacturers & Technology Association
- CGA Educational Foundation
- California Grain & Feed Association
- California Olive Association
- California Wine Education Foundation
- Frozen & Refrigerated Food Council of Northern California
- Grocer’s Research and Education Foundation
- The Illuminators (an association of grocery industry suppliers)
- Illuminators Educational Foundation
- Napa Valley Grapegrowers
- National Grocers Association
- Northern California Water Association
- Pest Control Operators of California
- Stanley W. Strew Foundation
- Western Growers Association
Environmental Law, Regulatory Compliance, and Government Relations
- Represented large farming operations in the development of innovative conservation easements.
- Represent grape growers regarding a proposed conditional waiver for agricultural and storm water runoff from vineyards and roads.
- Represented both farmers and applicators in pesticide spraying and drift cases.
- Represented livestock and egg farmers in actions filed by animal welfare advocacy groups.
- Served as lead trial and appellate counsel for ten major Sacramento River Settlement Contractors in their defense against an Endangered Species Act challenge to their Central Valley Project water supplies.
- Represent grocery stores in compliance with environmental regulations.
- Resolved problems with small wind turbine program run by the California Energy Commission for systems designed to be used on farms to reduce water pumping and other electrical loads.
- Represent industry associations in drafting, negotiating and passage of key statutes and regulations.
- Represented manufacturers and retailers of food products in defending predatory false advertising and labeling claims.
Commercial Matters and Retail Representation
- Represented large forest products company in action by federal and state agencies to recover costs of fire suppression.
- Represented farmers and processors in contract and other commercial disputes.
- Represented major grocer in significant acquisition and joint venture transactions.
- Represented major fruit processor in intellectual property licensing case.
- Represented major fruit processor in bond and debt financing.
- Represented major agricultural lender in a lender liability dispute.
- Represented large canning company in class action defense.
- Represent grape growers in action to collect from wineries that delay or refuse payments for crop.
- Represented fertilizer manufacturer in product liability action.
- Represent grocery stores in actions to evict trespassing solicitors.
- Represented processors of tomatoes, raisins, olives, and many other commodities in price negotiations with bargaining cooperatives.
Sean J. Filippini
Sacramento 916.520.5430
Steven B. Hymas, II
Steven B. Hymas, II
Partner / Executive Committee Member

With over a decade of prior experience working in business and technology, Steve Hymas has a deep understanding of the legal issues clients face in relation to how their businesses work, the technical challenges they face, and how to handle those issues to best address their needs.
Sacramento 916.520.5538
Sacramento 916.520.5538
Francesca Leonelli
Francesca Leonelli
Senior Associate

Francesca is a dual qualified attorney licensed to practice in Italy and California. Her practice focuses on cross-border and domestic commercial real estate transactions involving the acquisition, disposal, financing and development of different asset classes.
Sacramento 916.520.5458
Senior Associate
Sacramento 916.520.5458
John C. McCarron
Sacramento 916.520.5450
Rebecca R. A. Smith
Sacramento 916.520.5281
Robert P. Soran
Sacramento 916.520.5364
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May 2, 2022Rebecca Smith Elected Chair of Center for Land-Based Learning
October 29, 2021Rebecca Smith Named 40 Under 40 by Sacramento Business Journal
January 15, 2020Downey Brand Names Two New Partners
January 12, 2018Prominent Attorney James Morris Joins Downey Brand
December 20, 2017Downey Brand Promotes Four New Counsel
December 12, 2017Downey Brand Names Six New Partners
January 6, 2017Downey Brand Names New Partners and Counsel
In the News
7 related items-
July 19, 2021Grape Contracts, Wildfire, and Smoke Exposure
Wine Business Daily News -
July 8, 2021Allied Grape Growers, CAWG Release Legal Analysis on 2020 Wine Grape Rejections
Wine Industry Advisor -
June 15, 2018Table of Experts: The Business of Agriculture
Sacramento Business Journal -
June 26, 2014Pain of California’s Water Shortage is Spreading
The Sacramento Bee -
June 9, 2014Northern California Leaders Ask for Help in Drought
Business Insider -
March 18, 2014California to Ease Water Restrictions in Move to Help Farmers
Reuters -
February 2, 2014Family Farms: How to Pass On – or Sell Off – the Family Business
The Sacramento Bee
Speaking Engagements / Events
19 related items-
June 19-20, 2025Dealing with Farm Debt in the West: Practical Considerations in Preparing for and Navigating Ag Bankruptcy
Presenter, Western Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference -
May 4, 2023Veggie Wars: Legal Update on the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act & Related Produce Laws
Presenter, Western Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference -
July 16, 2021Smoke Issues and Grape Contracts
California Association of Winegrape Growers and Allied Grape Growers Webinar -
June 7, 2021Coffee with CGA General Counsel
California Grocers Association's Independent Operators Symposium -
January 26, 2021Wildfires and Smoke: Managing Uncertainty and Risk
Unified Wine & Grape Symposium, General Session -
January 17, 2020Coffee With CGA’s General Counsel
Presenter, California Grocers Association's Independent Operators Symposium -
October 17, 2019Managing Risk in the Food Delivery World: Understanding Product Recall
Joint Presentation Hosted by Downey Brand, EPIC, and Berrian Insurance Group -
June 20-21, 2019Developments in Water Supply Regulation, Reporting, and Legislation
Argent Communications 34th Annual California Water Law & Policy Conference -
February 6, 2019Pesticide Drift: Compliance, Liability, and Protection
Co-presenter, 10th Annual Spray Safe Program -
March 28, 2018Pesticide Drift: Compliance, Liability, and Protection
Co-presenter, Yuba-Sutter Farm Bureau -
June 29, 2017The Local View: The Beat Goes On
Panelist, 2nd Annual Lodi Vineyard and Wine Economics Symposium -
June 13, 2017Genetic Engineering in Agriculture: Science, Policy & Law
Presented by the Agribusiness Committee of the California State Bar Business Law Section -
May 31, 2017; June 7, 2017; June 20, 2017Stay Fresh with the Latest Information on Packaging Law and Design
Co-presenter, The Produce Packaging Seminar -
November 4, 2015Dealing with Unwanted Solicitors
Presenter, California Grocers Association Webinar -
June 25, 2015Trends in Legislation and Constitutional Challenges
Co-presenter, The State Bar of California, Agricultural Law Conference -
January 2015Sacramento Metro Chamber
Food and Agriculture Event -
October 29, 2013Keeping the Family Farm in the Family – Part 3
Downey Brand and Westmark Group Program -
May 16, 2013Keeping the Family Farm in the Family – Part 2
Downey Brand and Westmark Group Program -
March 28, 2013Keeping the Family Farm in the Family – Part 1
Downey Brand and Westmark Group Program
Legal Alerts
38 related items-
December 9, 2021FDA Announces Proposed Changes to Agricultural Water Requirements Under the Food Safety Modernization Act
August 17, 2021State Water Board Issues Emergency Regulations for Curtailments in Delta Watershed
Water Law -
June 25, 2021US Supreme Court Confirms Farmers’ Private Property Rights
Food and Agriculture Law -
August 31, 2020FDA Announces Three-Year Phase-Out of PFAS Used in Food Packaging; FDA Studies Indicate Non-Detectable Levels of PFAS in General Food Supply
Food and Agriculture Law -
May 22, 2020Farmers Affected by COVID-19 May Seek Economic Relief from the Department of Agriculture’s Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP)
Downey Brand COVID-19 News and UpdatesFood and Agriculture Law -
April 21, 2020OEHHA’s Proposed “Clarifications” to Proposition 65 Clear and Reasonable Warning Regulations Actually Represent a Significant Change
Environmental Law -
April 16, 2020CalEPA Issues Statement on Enforcement and Compliance Requirements During COVID-19 Pandemic
Downey Brand COVID-19 News and UpdatesEnvironmental Law -
March 13, 2019State Water Board Announces Sweeping Investigation and Phased Sampling of Potential Industrial and Municipal Sources of PFAS
Environmental Law -
February 19, 2019EPA Unveils Its Long-Awaited PFAS Action Plan – Does It Represent Any Progress?
Environmental Law -
November 2, 2018OEHHA Proposes Amendments to Prop. 65 Reproductive Toxicity Sampling Requirements for Food Products; New Prop. 65 Regulations for PFAS Take Effect November 10, 2018
Environmental Law -
September 6, 2018The Latest in the Prop. 65 World: Jury Trials; Inorganic Arsenic in Rice; and the FDA Weighs in on Coffee
Environmental Law -
July 31, 2018Court Determines Breakfast Cereal Currently Does Not Require Prop 65 Warnings
Environmental Law -
June 19, 2018U.S. District Court Denies California Attorney General’s Request to Reconsider Holding that Proposition 65 Warnings for Glyphosate in Herbicide Products are Misleading
Environmental Law -
June 18, 2018California Proposes Regulation that Proposition 65 Cancer Warnings Are Not Required for Coffee
Environmental Law -
May 23, 2018Winemakers Prevail in Arguing That Providing Current Safe Harbor Warning for Alcoholic Beverages Is Compliant with Prop 65
Environmental Law -
April 4, 2018Tentative Ruling Could Mean You Have to Give A Prop 65 Warning for Every Cup of Coffee You Sell or Give to Consumers
Environmental Law -
March 14, 2018The Latest in the Prop. 65 World: Processed Meat; Lead and Cadmium in Chocolate; and Glyphosate in Herbicides
Environmental Law -
November 6, 2017New Proposition 65 Clear and Reasonable Warning Regulations Are Effective in 2018
Environmental Law -
October 12, 2017California Enacts Legislation in an Attempt to Level the Playing Field in Proposition 65 Enforcement Actions
Environmental Law -
October 5, 2017Proposition 65 Warning Required for Furfuryl Alcohol as of September 30, 2017
Environmental Law -
May 2, 2017FDA Extends Compliance Deadline For Menu Nutrition Labeling
Food and Agriculture Law -
September 9, 2016OEHHA Adopts Unclear Amendments to the “Clear and Reasonable Warning” Regulations – Exacerbating Proposition 65 Problems
Environmental Law -
June 16, 2016FDA Issues Final Rule Under Food Safety Modernization Act
Food and Agriculture Law -
February 25, 2016ICE Traffic Stops – Now What?
Food and Agriculture Law -
September 18, 2015Natural Uranium Contamination in Central Valley Aquifer Linked to Nitrates
Food and Agriculture Law -
June 6, 2015Appeals Court Decides Crucial Case On State Fish And Wildlife’s Extension Of Streambed Alteration Limits To Existing Water Diversions
Water Law -
May 6, 2015Pistachio Bushy Top Syndrome – Down The Legal Rabbit Hole In Search Of A Remedy
Food and Agriculture Law -
August 12, 2014New FDA Requirements for Gluten-Free Food Labels
Food and Agriculture Law -
June 17, 2014Supreme Court’s Ruling in Pom Wonderful LLC v. Coca-Cola Co. Confirms That Private Companies May Sue Competitors For False and Deceptive Food and Beverage Labels
Food and Agriculture Law -
May 23, 2014Farm Lenders and Farming Organizations File Amicus Brief in Crucial Ninth Circuit Water Case
Food and Agriculture Law -
July 2013Agriculture Meets the Antidegradation Policy
Food and Agriculture Law -
May 13, 2013United States Supreme Court Rules for Monsanto in Roundup Ready Patent Case
Food and Agriculture Law -
May 2013Farmers May Be Surprised To Find Themselves The Joint Employer Of The Workers Provided By Their Farm Labor Contractor
Food and Agriculture Law -
January 2013Comment Period Open for FDA Proposed Rules to Implement Food Safety Modernization Act
Food and Agriculture Law -
January 2013OEHHA’s Cumulative Impacts Efforts Likely to Affect Agricultural Communities
Food and Agriculture Law -
November 2012More Stringent Permit Likely After Court Strikes Down Discharge Permit in Central Valley
Food and Agriculture Law -
October 2012Horne v. Department of Agriculture – A Small Step in the Right Direction or Simply a False Sense of Hope for Handlers of Agricultural Commodities?
Food and Agriculture Law -
October 2012Court Rules on Goldfields Parties’ Definition of “Groundwater”
Food and Agriculture Law
47 related items-
October 2021Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – September 2021: Fenugreek, Psyllium Husk Powder, Beet Powder, Stuffed Grape Leaves, Ceramics and Plastic Bags, Pouches, and Tool Grips
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in September 2021 -
September 2021Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – August 2021: Plastic Consumer Products and Components, Tortilla Chips, Banana Chips, Almond Butter, Canned Fruit, and Sanitizers
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in August 2021 -
August 2021Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – July 2021: Protein Powders, Tea, Molasses, Hand Sanitizer, Sunscreen, CBD Oil, Receipt Paper, and Plastic Face Shields
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in July 2021 -
July 2021Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – June 2021: Peppermint Extract, Salted Plums/Saladitos, Canned Fruits, Seaweed & Seafood, Pliable Plastics, and Withdrawal of Wood Dust Notices
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in June 2021 -
June 2021Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – May 2021: Notice Activity Rebounds; Plaintiff Groups Target Tools that Generate Wood Dust, Makeup, Plastic Products, Sunflower Seeds, and Fruits/Vegetables
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in May 2021 -
May 2021Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – April 2021: Overall Declines in the Number of Food Notices for Acrylamide and Heavy Metals, and in the Number of Consumer Product Notices for Phthalates
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in April 2021 -
April 21, 2021Proposition 65: Legal and Technical Implications of Listing PFOA as a Carcinogen
April 2021Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – March 2021: Plastic Consumer Products, Fruits & Vegetables, New Chemical Pulegone in Peppermint Extract, and Relief for Acrylamide Claims
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in March 2021 -
March 2021Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – February 2021: Fruits & Vegetables, Pretzels, Chips, Tostadas, Seafood, and More Plastic Products Targeted by Plaintiff Groups
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in February 2021 -
February 2021Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – January 2021: Duck Callers, Duck (To Eat), More Seafood, Fruits & Vegetables, and Plastic Products Targeted by Plaintiff Groups
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in January 2021 -
January 2021Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – 2020 Prop. 65 Roundup: Over 3,500 Notices Sent Alleging Warning Labels Required for Hundreds of Different Products Including Plastic Bags & Cases, Baby and Toddler Foods, Seafood, Roasted Snack Foods, Leafy Green Vegetables, and Cosmetics
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in December 2020 -
December 2020Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – Nov. 2020: Pretzels, Molasses, Sunflower Seeds, Shampoos, Leather Gloves & Fishing Weights – All Targeted by Citizen Plaintiff Groups
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in November 2020 -
November 2020Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – Oct. 2020: Lead in Food, Diethanolamine in Personal Care Products, Formaldehyde in Bed Sheet Sets, and, As Always, Acrylamide in Snack Foods, and Phthalates in Plastics
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in October 2020 -
October 2020Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – Sept. 2020: Hundreds of Notices Allege Acrylamide in Snack Foods and Phthalates in Plastic Bags, Other Notices Target Personal Care Products
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in September 2020 -
September 2020Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – August 2020: Leafy Greens, Crackers, Fishing Weights, Shaving & Bath Gel, Mascara, Plastic Cases & Purses, Dietary Supplements and Bamboo Pillowcases
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in August 2020 -
August 2020Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – July 2020: Notices Decline for Acrylamide in Snack Foods; Chocolate, Canned Goods, Dietary Supplements, Seaweed, and Seafood Noticed for Lead & BPA; Phthalate Notices for Plastic Bags and PVC Plastics Continue In Large Quantities
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in July 2020 -
July 2020Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – June 2020: Over 70 Seafood Products, Chips, Pretzels, Bread, Popcorn, Cookies, Dietary Supplements and Wheel Chair Components Attacked by Citizen Plaintiffs as COVID-19 Summer Begins
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in June 2020 -
June 2020Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – May 2020: Seafood, Waffles, Nut Products, Canned Goods, and Boxing Gloves Targeted by Plaintiffs in Third Month of COVID-19 Pandemic
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in May 2020 -
May 2020Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – April 2020: Plaintiffs Target Various Food Products Including Vinegars, Baby Food Pouches, Teething Wafers, Seaweed and Seafood Products Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic and California Court Closures
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in April 2020 -
April 2020Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – March 2020: Plaintiff Groups “March On” and Send Hundreds of Notices of Violation During the COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place Orders
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in March 2020 -
March 2020Update: Signature Gatherers and Solicitors
California Grocer, Issue 1 -
March 2020Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – February 2020: Lead, Arsenic and Cadmium in Seaweed, Shrimp & Dietary Supplements, New Plaintiff Group Targets Baked Goods and Roasted Nut Products
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in February 2020 -
February 2020Proposition 65 Notices of the Month – January 2020: Arsenic, Cadmium and Lead in Seaweed & Seafood Products, Acrylamide in Toasted Corn, and Cadmium in Spinach
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in January 2020 -
January 20202019 A Creative Year for Proposition 65 Plaintiffs – Acrylamide in Ice Cream Cones, Cadmium and Lead in Seaweed, Furfuryl Alcohol in Hamburger Buns, and Chromium in Leather Work Gloves and Baby Powder
Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights in 2019 -
October 2017The “Wild West” of ADA Website Litigation
California Grocer, Issue 4 -
July/August 2017Cause for Concern Over Organic Fertilizer Made from Food Waste?
Western Grower & Shipper -
August 2016GMO Labeling: Coming Soon To California and the Rest of the Country
California Grocer, Issue 4 -
February 2016Is Your Insurance Company Really On Your Side?
California Grocer, Issue 1 -
November 2015Urgency Legislation Helps Curb Frivolous PAGA Lawsuits
California Grocer, Issue 6 -
October 2015Mergers and Acquisitions in the Grocery World: Issues to Consider when Buying or Selling
California Grocer, Issue 5 -
September 2015Failure to Follow WIC Stocking Requirements Can Endanger Your Program Status
California Grocer, Issue 4 -
July 2015Merchants: Are You Ready for the October 2015 Credit Card Liability Shift?
California Grocer, Issue 3 -
May 2015Proposed Prop. 65 Regs Equal Less Help and More Hurt (and Litigation)
California Grocer, Issue 2 -
February 2015Understanding California’s New Paid Sick Leave Law
California Grocer, Issue 1 -
December 2014Protecting Against Security Breaches in the Retail Industry
California Grocer, Issue 6 -
April 2014Securities Law Update: Grocery Industry Companies May Now Raise Capital By Advertising
California Grocer, Issue 2 -
February 2014Employment Law Update: There Are Many New Employment Laws Going Into Effect In 2014
California Grocer, Issue 1 -
February 4, 2014California Court Rules Consumers Cannot Privately Sue To Enforce Organic Food Labeling Laws
California League of Food Processors’ Newsletter -
February 2014Dealing With Delayed Harvest Demands
California Association of Winegrape Growers -
October 2013A New Twist of False Advertising Lawsuits
California Grocer, Issue 5 -
Fall 2012King Amendment to Farm Bill Threatens California Ag
California Farmer -
October 2012ADA News
California Grocers Association, CGAbulletin -
October 2012Proposition 37: The Challenges Faced by the Food Supply Chain
Downey Brand Food & Agriculture Law Practice Group -
August 31, 2012Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market, Inc. Prevails in Closely Watched Item Pricing Case
California Grocers Association, CGAbulletin -
August 13, 2012Opportunity to Shape New Rules for Solar Development on Protected Ag Lands
California Farmer -
August 2012Legal Issues in Vineyard Development and Expansion
California Association of Winegrape Growers -
September 2014The Food Safety Modernization Act: Impact on Food Importation
California Grocer, Issue 4