
Adjudicating Groundwater: A Judge’s Guide to Understanding Groundwater and Modeling

Provided by The National Judicial College, Dividing the Waters

Click here for more information and to request a copy

A Compendium of California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act

Provided by Downey Brand’s Water Law Practice

Click here for more information and to download a copy

Appellate Review of California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Decisions

Provided by Downey Brand’s Public Utility Regulation Practice

Click here for more information and to download a copy

Proposition 65: Trends and Highlights

A Quarterly Publication Provided by Downey Brand’s Prop. 65 Practice

View the most recent article below or click here to access an archive of past issues

California Air and Climate

A Publication Provided by Downey Brand’s Air Quality and Climate Change Practice

View the most recent article below or click here to access an archive of past issues


August/September 2024
Legislative Update
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 11
August/September 2024
State Water Board Adopts Water Conservation Regulations for Urban Retail Water Suppliers
California Water Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 34, Number 11
August/September 2024
San Francisco Bay-Delta Population of Longfin Smelt Listed as Endangered Under the Federal Endangered Species Act
California Water Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 34, Number 11
August/September 2024
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes to List Long Valley Speckled Dace as an Endangered Species
California Water Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 34, Number 11
July 2024
Legislative Update
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 19
July 2024
Ninth Circuit Holds Forest Service Cannot Combine NEPA Categorical Exclusions
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 19
July 2024
Yuba Water Agency Seeks Extension for the Lower Yuba River Accord Water Transfer Program
California Water Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 34, Number 10
July 2024
Council on Environmental Quality’s Final Phase 2 Rules for NEPA Streamline Process but Also Expand Agency Review
Environmental, Energy, & Climate Change Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 4, Number 10
July 2024
Yolo County Court Upholds Environmental Impact Report for Sites Reservoir Project
California Water Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 34, Number 10
June 2024
Legislative Update
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 9
June 2024
Department of Energy Issues Final Rule Coordinating Permitting for Energy Transmission Projects
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 9
May 2024
State Water Board Extends Deadline to Protest Change Petition for DWR’s Delta Tunnel Project
California Water Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 34, Number 8
May 2024
Legislative Update
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 8
April 2024
Legislative Update
California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 7