Speaking Engagements / Events

May 10, 2018
Water Transfer and SGMA
Moderator, ACWA 2018 Spring Conference & Exhibition
May 7-8, 2018
An Uncertain Future: How the Potential Clawback Muddies the Estate and Gift Tax Waters
Presenter, California Lawyers Association Taxation Section Washington DC Delegation
April 17, 2018
Reinvention, Transition, Success(ion)
Co-presenter, Capitol Regional Family Business Center's Spring Family Business Forum
April 17, 2018
The ESA and Property Takings: One Fish, Two Fish, Is it Compensable?
Panelist, ABA 36th Annual Water Law Conference
March 28, 2018
Pesticide Drift: Compliance, Liability, and Protection
Co-presenter, Yuba-Sutter Farm Bureau
March 21, 2018
Post-Disaster: Weathering Scrutiny of Flood Management Decisions
Presenter, California Central Valley Flood Control Association (CCVFCA) Annual Flood Forum
March 14, 2018
Can’t We Just Put the Water in the Ground?
Panelist, ACWA Legislative Symposium
January 31, 2018
Groundwater Law and Hydrology
Instructor, UC Davis Extension
January 29-30, 2018
Death and Taxes are Certain, Divorce is Possible, and Business is Unpredictable – Are You Prepared?
Co-Presenter, Capital Region Family Business Center's 2018 Annual Generations Conference
January 20, 2018
Utilization of Water Transfers to Recharge Groundwater Basins
Moderator, 14th Annual California Water Law Symposium
December 8, 2017
Navigating Floodplains and Flood Risk
Co-Chair and Presenter, The Seminar Group
November 3, 2017
Northcoast: Your Voice, Your Future – Rivers, Tribes, Cannabis and Environmental Change
State Bar of California Environmental Law Section MCLE Conference
October 26-27, 2017
Too Much Water Too Fast: Conjunctive Management of Ground and Surface Water in Wet Periods
Presenter, Law Seminars International 5th Annual Conference on Tribal Water Law in California
October 22, 2017
CEQA Update: A Perennial Favorite
Moderator, 26th Annual Environmental Law Conference at Yosemite®
October 17, 2017
CEQA Update 2017: Climate Change & Hot Topics Review
Panelist, Bay Planning Coalition's 5th Annual CEQA Update
October 3, 2017
Groundwater Rights: Management, Regulation, and Exercise
Presenter, HalfMoon Education Seminar on California Water Laws, Regulations and Recent Developments