California’s Offshore Wind Energy Potential

September 15, 2023

Moderator, Bay Planning Coalition's 2023 Energy & Water Nexus Workshop

Downey Brand is pleased to sponsor the Bay Planning Coalition’s 11th annual Energy & Water Nexus event on Friday, September 15, 2023. This year’s event is virtual and will focus on the critical intersection of California’s energy and water resources, featuring experts and industry stakeholders for timely discussions on the future of California’s energy goals and the imperative for water resource resilience.

Downey Brand partner Christian Marsh will kick off the event as a moderator of the Offshore Wind panel that will explore the vast potential of offshore wind energy in California. Experts and industry leaders will discuss the latest developments, opportunities, and challenges in harnessing wind power as California works towards increasing its renewable energy portfolio.

Panel participants include:

  • Molly Croll, American Clean Power Association (ACP) | Director
  • Jennifer Lucchesi, California State Lands Commission | Executive Officer
  • Rachel MacDonald, California Energy Commission | Program Specialist – Siting, Transmission, & Environmental Protection Division

Visit the Bay Planning Coalition’s website to learn more and register.