Department of Energy Issues Final Rule Coordinating Permitting for Energy Transmission Projects

June 2024

California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, Volume 33, Number 9

On April 25, 2024, the United States Department of Energy (DOE) issued a final rule to amend it regulations under section 216(h) of the Federal Power Act (FPA) and establish a Coordinated Interagency Transmission Authorizations and Permits Program (CITAP Program). This program aims to expedite federal authorizations and environmental reviews required for siting proposed electric transmission facilities, a process that currently requires project proponents to work with several different agencies, all with different protocols and timelines, to obtain the necessary approvals and permits to begin work. By streamlining this process, the DOE hopes to decrease the time it takes to permit electric transmission infrastructure projects while meeting its goals of ensuring reliable, resilient, ad low-cost electricity delivery.

Subscribers to the California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter can read the full legislative update here.